Energetic Purification Harmonization and full power Re-Vitalization
With the use of the now fully new Divine Power - abilities of the highest sophisticated MATATEC Trans-formative Technologies - now especially specialized in the energetic optimization of even highest multi-complex large-scale projects as a whole with all the trimmings as well as in all their connected individual aspects - worldwide also at a distance ...
Of multicomplex Huge Buildings like full Sky-Scrapers - or a full Urban Neighbourhoud
Of full Industrial Plants and Corporation Groups;
Of whole Farmes, Stadiums, Campuses, Hospitals and Holiday Resorts ...
Of Temples Churches and Ashrams , til ancient cultural sites;
Of most important single industrial Technologies, - or highest valuable old classical Music Instru-ments; Church Organs , highly valuable private Jewellery and jewels plus works of Artpainting and Sculpture plus private Yachts Freighters and whole Aeroplanes ....
Of whole Cities , Districts, Natural Reserves and Landscapes
Florian Meyer
Matatec founder
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MATATEC Vastu–Consultancy
You will be able to find an explanation and a solution to long time problems,on subtle levels most difficult to handle.
MATATEC AUM Energy Feeling ©
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MATATEC Seminaries & Lecture
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MATATEC Transformative Technologies
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Case Studies
The results of energy field transformation

Just everything is going towards supreme consciousness according Healing Powers to everyone and all!