- in short - "MAADEVA" Meditations ,
are solving the most VASTU-Problems and achieving VASAATHI - plus clearing the clients´
AURAs at once and altogether in a single session !
Botida F. Meyer has also found and recovered again that through a special med-itation together with the MATATEC DEVATMA plate, we are able to optimise and change even the most complex to horrible VASTU situations and cleanse the clients' AURAs all at once and as a whole.
This can be done with hundreds of participants and also online - making it a highly efficient and relatively inexpensive way and opportunity for all to lower their prob-lems and benefit largely without the need for an in-person site visit in all cases.
Was VASTU and VASAATHI knowledge ( - here not only from temples and private homes, but also from villages, cities, whole districts, kingdoms and nations ) in the ancient BHARAAT and VE-DIC culture a main tool to ensure that all members of society ( - here humans plus ani-mals, plants and subtle beings - as well as the plant davas ... ), as well as the societies themsel-ves, develop, grow and flourish harmoniously and prosperously in line with the spiritual goals of SANATHANA DHARMA, - that the individual souls have the best opportunities and fertile ground to grow and find their way home to their inner divine reality.
So it is simply common knowledge in India that many people not only of the upper class - but also of the middle class know very well that the VASTU circumstances of their residences and properties influence the success, karma and future of the entire family clan plus all descendants.
But in Europe and also in India, more and more people are deciding to ask about the VASTU circumstances only when they are really in serious health or life problems.
And in today's living conditions - where most of us are just happy to have a rea-sonably comfortable and cosy home ... it's not like the old days, when you and a handful of people could choose the most beautiful spots for you and your loved ones in the wide open countryside,
Nowadays, almost every piece of land and every spot is owned by someone else - which also shows us how important it is to look inwards.
The MATATEC research and experience is now completely new, that with full con-centration on the Divine ABSOLUTE, all VASTU-relevant circumstances such as geopathic stress zones, ancient karma fields, but also electronic devices etc. can completely change their subtle energetic behaviour to the healthy and prosperous side.
And even as a healer or medical doctor or VAASTHU expert ( - of course it is always good to help, but sometimes it is also big business ... ) the main life-focus for all of us should be on health, vitality life and happiness. And we should be aware and clear about what is the foundation and basis of real healing.
Healing' cannot be seen or function - without “re-ligio”, without the reconnection to our divine origin and source and our own desire to surrender to the principles of SANATHANA DHARMA and to work towards the only in this way gentle and uni-versally pleasing experience for the individual and society as a whole.
And societies as villages nations and world societies only function like loving and caring family members who earnestly endeavour to work together cooperatively for the common good and for the greater divine good - even after the
A s s o t i a t e d S o c i a l I n d i v i d u a l s
Life-Success - and Cooperation Charter
As the meditation process itself is a little deeper
- nevertheless anyone and everyone is welcome to meditate and participate
with us, we need some data like name, address etc., whereas all interested
people and persons can fill in our `simple registration form online´,
but to understand the energetic situations deeper, it would always be nice to have the full data.
( All MATATEC customer data is kept secure and confidential from third parties or interests ! )
In the further course of the ` MAADEVA Meditation ´ it would be good if the individual points, what to do - or how to proceed ( - but the individual important steps are definitely said and guided ) is not completely new for the participants, - and does not have to be explained in depth again.
So after filling out the basic and minimum question lines and points , - You´re free to also fill the deeper and additional all voluntary ‘Questions ’, - which are ( - al-though it is a little longer, but it is also good that the clients, whose well-being and happiness are at the centre of what we do - also have the chance ) giving us and also You yourself the opportunity to un-derstand and experience the circumstances and energetic changes through our meditation and the resulting future life - even better.
So WELCOME to join in !
Even people have once participated and the resulting energetic changes are just optimum , several of them - truely speaking till now - nearly all of them like to participate again and again because of the most beautiful also community perceived energy !
Though this Meditation we are helping each other and our whole surroundings and the world on the same eye-level - as all dearest and most beloved chidren
of the Divine ABSOLUTE !