Additional Innovations together with - or from other Inventors
A ) A new - also for emergency-cases most beneficial Water-Cleansing Technology
without of any chemicals ( - or without of any need of additional filters or ionic ion-exchangers or
resin bed processes that are difficult to maintain and reactivate anyway and so on ... ; )
- where in an about 20-26 minutes ( - not cooking - but only - ) heating up process, -
all impurities, dirts, germs, bacteria and viruses, heavy metals, micro-plastics a
and also arsene and so on ... ( - possibly in many world areas also making bigger healthiness
problems fluorides are not working , - respectively have to be filtered with other methods ) are
getting bound to the inside of any water in sufficient quantity dissolved lime or
calcium, - so that the lime, together with all the impurities, flocculates and
seperates as a smoth powder ( - which is easy to dry and can later be stored in an
environmentally safe way ).
- The water also becomes most healthy alkaline around 8.2 pH through the
- There are solutions for every private household, as well as for hotels, sports
facilities, congress halls and hospitals, as well as large industrially scalable
systems for the cleansing of process water and as a municipal wastewater
- Because there are no active moving parts , the apparatuses could work for
decades - till hundreds of years ... ; where also the vessels have to be cleaned
from the calcuim-powders maybe only once a month or every few months ...
because the lime powder serves if once manifested or formed - as an
optimal crystallization nucleus ...
Explanation :
Normally there is no way to achieve anything like this ... But the inventor was
trying his best with about 15 years of hard research - to find this most inge-
neous and most charming solution.
So he discovered that in a non-turbulent water-non-whirling - but neverthe-
less heating up situation together with some special substances or a special
steel- and materia-type, the water itself reacts fully different like `normally`
and then on moleculary levels. This makes it possible and usable. ***
We where working now together over about 15 years.
B ) Kinetic Drive-System for bicycles with an about 10 times higher output than with
nowadays lever-operated bicycles .... ***
C ) Super Combustion Motor ( - 30 cm diameter and 25 cm depth ) and full kinetic drive with
only 11 main parts , - designed for running if warm enough - with the water-vapour
out of the air only
Much more efficient and easier to build than any nowadays used motor , - including
the a `Kauertz Motor´ - or a `Raphial Morgado MYT Motor´ ***
D ) An all-round high-performance Gearbox - enabling a relative standstill where a
motor could always drive or rotate in his most optimal engine speed ... It could be
also used as a Gear-System and all kind of Machines whereby then the highly ro-
bust industrial gearbox is only controlled by a small rotary switch in both forward
and reverse gear.
- Using this gearbox as a vehicle transmission , there are no more breaks, braking
could be managed over a 4-wheel diffential - directly over the gearbox, where
each individual wheel is driven ( - nevertheless the combustion- or electro-motor just runs
and rotates here just in his optimum revolution ... ) directly . - as well as ( - for the first time also
in trucks highly safe and highly robust , - as without wearing any brake pads ) , where also the
braking forces or braking torques can be also first time almost fully fed back ***
E ) A most effiicient highest robust fully wear-free - and working on the actual
effective radius - Gear-Wheel Geometry, which allows the highest number - up to
millions of revolutions , - without of any overheating or crashing ... ***
F ) An most efficient Electronic Pulsing System for reloading of batteries , efficiency-
boostering of PC-Photovoltaic Cells, and for Hydrogen-Electrolysers, which powers
up nearly every usage to an 180 % Efficiency , - whereas the inventor tells that an
efficiency of 400% would also be possible - with some additional research. ***
G ) Here a for me most beautiful thinkable ship- or boat-drive from M.r Heinrich
Budig / Germany based on the function of the wings of a swan gliding low over
the water ; and it is said, that he was alone in his propelled by muscle power or
with its arms only driven kayak - much more faster then the team racing rowing
boats around .; - what would be also highly interesting to use it also nowadays ...
H ) New ( - as non-toxic as it is chemical-free and can be used for decades ) methods of to
enhance stronly plant growth of seeds and seedlings, especially in cultivation and
also greenhouse vertical farming-cultivation ( - nevertheless healthy plants and healthy
food needs pure nature only ... ) ... ,
- plus how to strongly enhancing pest-resistances and healthiness of adult
plants , of trees, wines and fruit trees
where also the ants ( - maybe also termites in the tropics ) are not interested
anymore to climb up ...
- as well as 2 new ways of how to protect and to prevent harvest as privately
bought vegetables and fruits , - from germination and decaing without
having or using a refridgerator or cold stores
- plus one way to reduce chemical pestizides to the half
or to get fully rid of them .... with additional enhancement of growth and
- plus 2 new ways of fully none-toxicpesticides and fungicides ...
- and also how to bind the nitrogene out of the air - as a permanent source of
agricultural fertilizers for centuries or millennia
I ) A method and technology to enable the accuracy of ultrasound diagnostic devices
for the most precise differentiation of malignant and healthy tissue types together
with their now for the first time possible automatic most precise measurement ( -
colored differently on the screen by additional software - or marked by different colors of the tested
tissue types )
Also here it would be nice to find an Indian or Singaporian or Brazilian Production
Company ....
J ) A new method to overcome and alleviating and heal the causes of pains
especially of the spine , the disks and of junctions ...
K ) How to filter oxygene out of the air
Plus some additional things more !
Last but not least -
Just good to know about, with the so called `Catalytic Low-Pressure Oil Dispersion´ or
KDV-process from Mr. Dr. Christian Koch / Germany and:
" Early 21st century Dr. Christian Koch succeeded with the ingenious breakthrough for highly efficient
and not polluting method of conversion of organic material in full diesel (EN 590). In the unpressurized
low temperature process produces no toxic gases, there are no chimneys and exhaust gas torches.
There is nothing burned.
Leader in the research on this technique for more than 40 years, amongst others with SIEMENS, was
Dr. Koch, the owner of patents for KDV process and CEO of Alphakat GmbH, Buttenheim and Eppen-
dorf. The intensively operated research and development in recent years at Alphakat GmbH has today
led to a state of the art, which ensures the highest standard quality of the diesel oil, as well as the
efficiency of the plants.
Globally there is no provider that can offer such a state of the art technology.​ !"
With this ingenious very low cost technology the whole earth and surrounding could be clean from all plastic and organic wastes ( - in the oceans it will stay for minimum 450 years ) just in a few years ​ ...
Several years back I was phoning with Mr. Koch - and he was very open to do his best to bring his technology as low cost as anyhow possible also to India and South East Asia
The other names we should held in our mind are the companies :
- sorting plastic or metal or rubbish materials fully clear and single-variety
by High Speed Laser Spectrocopy
I think I´ve heard up to 80 tons per hour ...
" Sorting different types of grain is a complex process, regardless of whether it is whole grain, semolina,
hulled or unhulled grain. Each type of grain brings its own challenges and can have color deviations or
be contaminated with foreign bodies, foreign seeds and mycotoxins such as aflatoxins and DON. This is
where our optical sorters can help. ! "
So welcome to