What Benefits could Agriculture and Nature have with MATATEC ?
Over the years, my research in this area has also revealed some very interesting and highly pleasing successes, always with a strong vitalising effect on plant growth and plant health.
● whereby long-standing fungal infestation of asparagus plants in notoriously over-moist f
former bog soil was stopped almost immediately with a simultaneous strong increase in
growth !
● Potato beetle pest infestations ( - over several years in different fields - ) have often been carried
by the plants without crop loss and with such largely increased immune resistance !!! ,
● ( - Weeds - or better - ) the supporting concominant herbs - were clearly reduced ( - despite
insufficient field preparation of maize - and potato fields ) - ; - the damage caused by crows ( - on
the maize fields, see above - ) against zero loss or by means of an additional growth spurt, - af-
ter ! ,.
● whereby both the harvest quantity and the ( - also energetic ) harvest quality ( - here also
with fruit trees ) increased !!!
● Because we know from MATATEC - VASAATHI transformed buildings plots and areas, that
the brain hemispheres of human beings are always and then forever working together in
fullest harmony,
● - we could emagine that the same is potentially-possibly function also with animals and
plants ...
● In addition, with the help of a specialised medical pulse diagnosis, it was determined that
the MATATEC DEVATMA Plates ( - which is also our main tool for MATATEC VASAATHI Transforma-
tions ; - as constantly observed and precisely described by Mr. Florian Meyer ) are initiating and
continueing with highest consciousness exactly and precise those Healing - Revitaliza-
tion - and Transformation steps which are both individually and collectively optimally suc-
cessful, lovingly and gentle .
Are we additional interating all the always most delighting experiences seen and described
under the webpage -
` Solutions ´
- All this is altogether opening up a wide range of possibilities -
plus opportunities and applications :
A ) To promote the agricultural cultivation areas ( - even without actually having to throw out
or distribute individual agricultural auxiliary materials everywhere every year etc. ) energetically
via central energy points in the future.or the same methodology on a larger scale ...
B ) Forestry
C ) For the Marine Biology and all Natural also Maritime Reserves ,
D ) Or ( - then at best also including an ‘ AUM ’- vortex supporting river engineering , ) also for the
renaturalisation of lakes and river landscapes.
E ) As well as for the renaturation of former ( - on the finest energetic levels, - often highly
wounded ) extraction, quarry and mine areas, - which will then also apply to a
greater extent to all tar-sand and FRACKING areas - or areas contaminated by
genetic engineering and too much of former pesticides;
F ) as well as for the worldwide total energy increase corresponding to geomancy
( - here also for increased growth - as well as toxin degradation - and microbial stimulation ) ,
- to use and apply sensibly !
MATATEC - Revitalizations and - Transformations
for Landscapes, Forests, Lakes, Rivers and Ocean-Biospheres and Habitats ;
- as well as for Phyto-Therapeutica -
and anything - as everyone else - also !
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