Transformative Technologies
“ AUM ”
Bequest Heritage and Legacy
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
- dear Brothers – dear Sisters and Friends
Is everything or are we All - whether gods in the highest heavens -
or the entities from the other side,
- All of us - and everything -
so in particular - also You like me - and me like You - in essence - PREMASVAROOPA - ATMASVAROOPA
- embodyments -
( - out of – and for pure love sake alone - all One - )
of the Divine ABSOLUTE -
- with there inherent waiting to blossoming seed, aim - and full divine power of character, realization and enlightenment;
- there is no other reality aim and goal - in all the universes !
So and therefore
- in great esteem and in deep gratitude to my ancestors and parents
- as to my Gurus -
as to my all way´s inner Guru
plus for the helping for - additional researchers, developerrs and friends …
I`m publishing here - as an open-source knowledge in principle - all my results and patents researched throughout my entire life so far ...
( - further information about all other technologies developed in cooperation with other developers -
or by other inventors - ; - as at more complex usages - on request …. ) .
All people and beings are cordially invited and called upon to explore and research all these especially ` AUM-Vortex ´- transformative developments, inventions, technologies and procedures -
- and to use and implement them …
( - the nature - as all mankind needs it - and is thirsting for ... )
- here also internationally -
as comprehensively as anyhow possible !!!
However everything should be used minimum in inner cooperation with the aims and goals of the
Transformative Technologies
- company -
www.MATATEC.de and www.MATATEC.in
in the sense of the
​ .
Associated Social Individuals
- Life-Success- and Cooperation-Charter​​
( )
- It is my express wish and only premise -
- that In addition to a smaller remuneration by aggreement to MATATEC ( - here in the future please and especially binding for all companies - then publicly clearly compre-hensibl ...) - at least 30 – or 36.9% of the net profits generated from this ( - or from the above applications economically and financially ) - should be used and donated
- for purely humanitarian and ecologically helpful and charitable purposes and
goals ...
- in particular, however - especially to enable orphaned children to have better pros-
pects of life-success and more happiness in life - and also to support economically poor
or additinally left alone or rejected by their families widows - and the most desperately
hopeless - and poorest of the poor ....
( - It is the great heritage of the Vedic BHARATIYA culture ( - clearly - always with appropriate behavior and prudence of
the same . ) to see and recognize in older people also additional esteemed and respected additional fathers, mothers,
uncles and aunties - , - to meet fellow human beings of nearly the same age - as additional brothers and sisters who
are in principle cooperatively and amicably connected , - and all younger people - as our beloved children ... and as
our common offsprings , - which is the most important and essential thing for a functioning common good as
happily prosperous people, both now and in the future, both for ourselves and for all our future generations, - both
for all of us and for the earth – for the nature as a whole - and for the happy continuation of humanity itself )
That`s reflectng and showing awareness and truth
In the ultimate primordial reason there are no others ... - only the DIVINE alone All-ONE exists and is alive )
- otherwise to and for the MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI MATH / Amrita-
puri / Annapurna - Bharata India
- or in future - also for the PREMA-SAI BABA – goals ,
- alltogether -
for the reconstruction and flourishing of SANATHANA DHARMA
and the esteem and respect towards Ourselves ​​
- so for the PARABRAHMAN-PARAMMATMA – according
Reinstating of the Divine Principle …
In deepest trust confidence and esteem
to All of YOU !
B o t i d a
​Now to the several highest valuable developments
of Mr. Florian Meyer ( sorted by importance ) in detail :
Are inside the official patents nearly no single drawings to find,
- here the official opening and puplishing of them also ... !
Patent 1
"AUM"- Vortex developments and Innovations
from the patent ` Vorrichtungen und Verfahren zur Neutralisation und
Transformation feinstofflicher ( - o. besser subtil-energetischer - ) Schwingungs-
felder - respectivly under - `Devices and Methods for the Neutralisation and
Transformation of subtle Vibrational Fields' :
As just mentioned before - my most extensive patent with over 203 patent
demands - with several hundreds of single innovations - for all part of nowadays
architectural-, agricultural-, maritime-, electronical-, medical-, environmental-,
aeronautical-, hydrological-, river-engineering- etc. technologies, - ´
- technically mostly fully new possibilities of directing and concentrating or
spreading flows and vortexes , including new possibilities of ( - thus, in addition,
both vertically and horizontally possible vortex rollers, which reinforce each other by suction as well
as concentrating together,utilising rotational torques towards one point ) water power plants ;
- plus several ways and possibilities to reduce or minimise wall friction losses
and sedimentation - through active vortex acceleration with significantly in-
creased flow capacity, e.g. inside pipes and pipelines , with automatic cooling
down of flowing mediums through strongest whirl- or vortex activity - what´s a
most important benefit for water- and drinking water qualities - especially in
hotter areas ; - as well as to bridge any flow holes or flow traps , - e.g. in
trucks behind the cab ... for better aerodynamics while driving ... ;
- as well as for simple optimisation of aircraft wings etc. to prevent premature
stalls and to generate higher and better lift values even in extreme situations ...
- plus new ways of filtering and mixing inside or through the rotating vortexes ;
- where it is also possible to build strong counter-currents by means of an
initiation and medium main flow,
- which can be used, for example, to enable fish pulls also over higher weirs by
quasi-automatic fish intake pipes ( - what´s most beautiful , because it has been shown
that fishes like to smell the upstream waters and also to regognize the flow to get the impulse to
climb ... and because here the initiation flow is just next to it at the same pipe exit point - it will be
really function ) ;
- where it´s also possible to create in 2 ways ( - or from both sides ) suctioning
shipping lanes within strong tidal currents,
- or port facilities, which also within strong currents the ships or yachts ( - in
the flow-between areas possibly additionally generating electricity, - ) simply suck in.
- In the same way there could be made or created mainflow initiated rubbish
traps , where the plastic bags and all the trash in rivers and oceans are
sucked in through counterflows.
- Where this patent is showing also new - more natural ways - of flood-
protection for rivers and ocean shores ,
- plus how to enhence the quality of foodstuff and the quality and quantity (
plus pest-resitance ) of yields harvests
and so on and so on … ; -
- but also new - or better nicely rediscovered methods for a - to the nowadays
highly multicomplex circumstances adjusted modern VASTU and geomantic
vitalization of whole districts with everything inside - as a whole …
- all together basing on pure natural harmonic and bionic forms , that our
human technology will be and is also on subtle-energetic levels ATMA- and
PARAMATMA-according with inherent PARAMATMA conscousness,
- then also for our whole surrounding for animals or plants
- and subtle beings like the plant-Devas ,
- as well as on the microbiotic levels ( - then lacto-acid - fermentavive ... )
and so on ... most healthy, really constructive and beneficial ,
- what´s most important for an all-round pleasing productive and Soul-accor-
ding happy plus successful future for all mankind - plus of anything else
and All.
1.1 An Introduction and Exibition as drawings ... nicely to show inside of schools,
cultural places and universities ( - please let us know ifand when You´re organizing an
official exhibition of these pictures ) ... And a lecture of "AUM" vortex traditions as
the very basis of our all originalle same sacral-religious cultural foundation
background and heritage
An extern commercial publishing is here - as well as with all here and downward
now opened technical pictures files and drawings -
- under Copyright - all rights reserved - of Mr. Florian Meyer 2024 -
strictly prohibited
1.2 The full patent drawings
1.3 A selection of some Vortex Tubes plus ... ( - these are also available for larger pipe
diameters for power plant high-pressure downpipes, pipelines or district heating pipes, etc. ... )
1.5 Airplane Wings ...
1.5 MATATEC Hydrology and River-Engineering ...
​ Natural meandring rivers with enough of `forest´ vegetation-cooling of the surrounded earth are ( -
also because of the inner functions of the so called `Positive Temerature Gradient´ ) most valuable as most im-
portant for the energetic health and vigour of the whole environment ,,,
- An commercial publishing is ( see further above ... ) strictly prohibited ​
1.6 Architectural and light Urban - Pedesstrian Flow - Panic Protection also at
steps or long staircases ... plus
( - with these flow control elements, which are as practical as they are very beautiful, the highly
painful mass panic accidents at major events such as in Mecca or the Kumbh Mela or in sta-
diums etc. would be a thing of the past. )
1.7 All patented Airation-Turbines
- for all kind of Algea- and Mycorrhizza growth productions ...
- where the algeas are not getting damaged or blended nor crashed ...
And many many many other things -
and fully new possibilities and chances more
from this above patent ...
Patent 2
Belt - or Pocket-Belt Turbine
Highly effective also decentral mobile or only seasonal used
River- or Tidal Power Plant
- Highly stable , low-cost and long-life plus low-maintenance with highest power
output also for bridge-crossings and the use at bridge-piers, - for mobile ope-
rations with fold-out and submersible trailers or installed ascombined amphi-
bious drive and water-power-plant of a then for energy-production rightly an-
chored or moored catamaran.
- They are completely permeable to fish on both sides without dams and
without any necessary obstructions, plus also permeable to boats
- and could be also used for sucking up all fishes safely over weirs in the
behind protected tailwater in the process of rotating showel return ...
- where it is e.g. possible to construct an permanently electricity generating
kayak- and kanu boat-lane together with a the fishes sucktioning upstream
real alternative
to the otherwise highly costly traditional fish ladders with concrete walls
and flow chambers ,,,,
- They could be also used - with the help of a folding mechanism with adjust-
able back-flow function of the top water - as river flood control systems or
for urban weir systems, - without of the need of big additional walls and hu-
ge founding walls or concreted river beds ...
Patent 3
Vane Profile with significantly increased performance for Savonius Rotors
Was the University of Munich once researching for the optimum Savonius-flow-pro- file ; - this new profile is just optimizing the original one from Munich through building
it alike a special wing-profile , - where the peripher wind-induced counter-flow resis-
tances are greatly reduced and asymmetric Darrieus-pofils can be used for optimum
flow in the back-flow from here, which could significantly increase the overall efficiency
with so much simpler and also highly stable construction, especially in larger plants.
Patent 4
Decentralised ( - in principle ) Vertical-Rotor
Wind - or Water-Power Plants.
In further revision and flow analysis of patent No. 3 - for the highest effective use in or
on building structures on roofs, on wall-edges and so on within rural and urban struc-
tures or wherever back-stream vortexes are anyhow rotating
Patent 5
Rotary Drive and/or Rotary Motor for invasive and/or expansive Drive Media.
Working in a closed system without of to the outside coming combustion-fumes.
- Composed to runs with the explosive pressure of a nearly permanent Bleve-Jet
( - maybe with Butane gas ... ) as well as with the ( - though the explosion here also automatically
caused ) underpressure or vacuum on the other side at the same time ;
- has a central and or peripheral rotation-drive mechanism without of any imba- lance or any fiddling around ...
Inno 6
For me the most highest potent and efficient ever
4-Stroke , 2 - or 4 Cylinder Super-Motor for all drive-types
Smallest - with only 6 main parts , could be used for Hydrogen or any kind of anyway
all non-fossile- or for synthetic fuels ,
- where its compression pressure ( - as well as the active volume of the combustion- or the
explosion chamber ... ) can be varied or easily adjusted ;
- plus also for a high-compressed Air- or as Hydraulic Drive ... ***
Inno 7
Then an ingeniously easy to built high-performance Water- or Airpump ( - without
of any bearing loads ) without of any flow-obstructions , - or without the need for partial
squeezing or compression of the flow media respectively the water ...
Patent 7
Spindle Drive with multible bearing Spindle - especially for beside vertically - also in the same system horizontally running or moving Elevator-Systems
So driving vertically to other floors and heights plus to other horizontal directions at the
same time , - whereas the cabins could also wait or been turned around the spindle
centre .
- Another option is a room elevator without of any seen spindle-pillar in the room
- build alike a sofa or a single armchair, - where while sitting upon,- it can be ( -
including - or without of its floor-part ) lifted to a second or third floor, - whereas the nee-
ded spindle drive mechanism is hided seat ... what´s certainly highly amusing as
well as fun.for elderly people to reach other floors inside of their residencies.
- The probably round floor element either fits into a similarly shaped ceiling recess
flush ; or the corresponding ceiling element gets its own - retracting or partially
sliding side-ways.