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Case Studies  -  Agriculture

Case 1

MATATEC Transformation-Treatments of a Potatoe Field
with a severe Infestation of Potato Beetles

Helmut a Demeter Milk- Wheat- and Vegtable-Farmer / Germany
On the occation of an acute attack of Potato-Beetles

Having once a big problem with potato-beetles coming just a few weeks before harvesting time and risking thus the full potato harvest,

  -   Mr. Florian Meyer installed one of his energetic devices for help … ;  

  -   otherwise the full yield would have been sullied and gone  ...


Subsequently -  the potatoes just grow such much more stronger and healthier, that the potato beetles where no problem for them -  and there was zero lost in the potato yield,

it was just  -  almost unbelievable -  Beautiful !


Case Study


Helmut Demeter Farmer / Germany

Case 2

MATATEC Transformation-Treatments of several Maize-Fields
on a biodynamic Demeter organic farm
where the corn-seeds have been eaten or pecked up
by the flocks of crows for years

shortly after sowing ) .

This also includes  `nearly automatically´  the Transformation of several other vegetable and fruit tree fields, located in the same MATATEC devices`  radius of action !

Here is the Initial Situation :

This biodynamically cultivated Demeter organic farm had been struggling for years with the fact that its maize seeds  ( - al-though Demeter-organic and from its own grown up ; - )  were dug up and eaten by crows shortly after sowing to such an extent that future maize cultivation could not be realis-ed,


-       that future maize cultivation was clearly jeopardised by far, -   too low total yields had to be

         questioned !

I had initially assumed that the flocks of crows might prefer the organic maize to the conven-tionally grown maize in neighbouring fields, but an acquaintance pointed out to me that crows are particularly interested in anything that approaches a state of decay.

But decaying conditions in new best-bred Demeter organic maize seeds - how and why could that be at all ?

Okay I`ve visited the farmer and we examined his maize seeds together -   and oh  ( no )  wonder, indeed :

The maize seeds radiated, although outwardly completely fresh looking, - on a subtle-energetic level, a very clear decay frequency. (
- per maize grain, - approx. 30 cm in radius, - so increasingly also negatively influencing the humus and its soil life ) !!!.


But how can that be ?

When we remembered that this farm and its often idyllic fields, far away from everything, is located on the `Bodanrück´ and in the direct flight path of Zurich Airport,  -   it quickly became clear where the extreme pollution could or had to come from !

We have known for a long time that microbial life and thus also essential growth and immune me-chanisms of life are controlled via the subtle-energetic level and its energy qualities,

-         is and was used here in the above case when the aeroplanes approached Zurich. - 

          and as with all substances based on crude oil or natural gas - an energetically very strong

          final decomposition product ( - and thus also the same subtle - energetic energy-radiating - ) ,


-        the Residual-KEROSIN in the air and over the Lake Constance , which also serves as a drin-

         king water reservoir of Baden-Württemberg for millions of people , in large and never-en-

         ding quantities out - and discharged,

         -       whereby the plants growing below  (
- although the flying paraffin was probably only present

                      as a gas - ) had to absorb it and were severely overtaxed by it  ( - although not actually in a

                      state of decay - in such quantities ).

However, since such subtle-energetic destructive interference frequency energy contents, once they get into the groundwater,  so that the overall energy level of larger areas or even a landscape with all its living beings plants animals and humans can profoundly characterise and determine , - which must be prevented at all costs , was now my solution approach (
- as always highly successful , - ) the following :

           A )         On the one hand, the seeds (
- even before sowing - ) were completely energetically

                         MATATEC transformed , whereby they completely lost the decay frequency and

                         other energetically less pleasant things ,

                         -      but then instead adopted strong healing frequencies as the best energetic con-

                                 dition for growth ...

           B )         Then a special aggregate of my development was dug in (
-  also because the maize f

                             ields were further apart )  on a total of only  3 energetically special and previously best

                         measured points below the ploughing depth with the purpose of using the healing

                         energy then emanating from these energy points via the groundwater for the ener-

                         getic treatment of the arable soil and from below thus also for the energetic treat-

                         ment of the atmosphere and the entire watchtower space.

Here some  

M A T A T E C  
pictures of the proceedure

Here one of the fields before sowing ... 

As the farmer had hardly any interest in growing maize after years of losses, - the fields were only sporadically prepared that year, partly with stubble left over from the previous year etc. .   

 The same field above further to the right .

Here is the optimum energy point measured with the marker, which then has to be hit exactly down to the millimetre ...  ( -  and possibly read justed slightly via the resulting energy effect ).

Here is one of the fields before sowing

Here is the optimum energy point measured with the marker, which then has to be hit exactly down to the millimetre  ( -  and possibly read justed slightly via the resulting energy effect ).

A deeper hole has now been dug and the special unit required for this has been placed in the ground -  here about 63cm subsoil -  below a potential ploughing depth.

The photographing One with the hat - it´s me ....

Ps.  This work is also particularly about or only works -   if we manage to actually find the right energy points, acting in a wide radius  ( - some-thing off would not result in a reaction and therefore no success ) .

This means that if the energy points required for this were outside the field, then of course the same points outside the field would also have to be treated or provided with the same energetic aggrega-tes.  

Here, however, it worked out very well for us - because we didn't have to go into other people's land and so everything could be done on our own land.

Here is another energy point in the middle of what was then a potato field to cover another larger maize field to the north of here.

    The third energy point required here, was then located approx. 1.5 km away from the first energy point - 

    and clearly outside the maize field to be treated, -  in the middle of some fruit trees that would also

    benefit from it.

Here is the final result :

FIRST :    The crows did come. ( - probably out of habit as before ) , they had probably only tried briefly and found these fields to be still uninteresting , -. which is why hardly anything was picked up or eaten !!!..

On the contrary ,

the Maize grew like crazy and like never before

in all the fields

in best Quality and Density !!!


And what was particularly interesting for this delighted farmer, in addition to the other maximum profit, was :

      -      That the weeds, which have been appearing in huge numbers for years  ( and were to be ex-

                 pected anyway with this field preparation ), have now, most astonishingly, largely disappeared



              ( -    which in turn confirms that weeds seek to fulfil a healing energetic balance; - whereby when this is

                         achieved they are no longer needed by nature in this way )  !!!.





































Yes, we`re seeing here a highly qualitative maize -

or corn harvest,

-      whereby also the automatically treated apples of the above treated fruit trees  

-  like everything else in the neighbourhood -  

( - here everything planted biologically dynamically - as well as everything conventionally grown in the same healing frequency energy field covering several square kilometres - )   turned out to be of the highest energetic quality afterwards and radiated with approx. 29 metres

of the healing frequency spectrum  ( - without any interference frequency components - which was already very rare at that time - ) !


Case Study


Controlled Fruit Farming / Germany

Case 3

Transformation-Treatments of an Asperagus field
just for help and for research purposes

...Münsterland / Germany

Helping a Fruit- and Vegtable Farmer in north-western Germany -   he was very surprised that the long-standing fungal infestation of asparagus plants in notoriously over-moist former bog soil was stopped almost  immediately with a simultaneous extraordinary strong increase in growth thickness and quality !!!

The quality and additional growth was of such a beauty , -  that the farmer decided to let the white asperagus plant  - which is a very high quality and most esteemed and most tasty and healthy vegetable in Germany and Europe - 


and nevertheless they have to be changed and newly replanted again `normally` every 4 years   


just for one year more inside the soil !


Horses and Dogs

Case 4

MATATEC Transformation-Treatments of a bigger Company with Living House plus its paddocks meadows and Horse-farm
in Bavaria / Germany   ...

Once helping  a farm  ( -  being energeztically  connected to a bigger project with a company and Living house ) , -  their overall  Energetic Centre Point  was located just inside a paddock ... an also energetically a not very nice point , because underneath -  respectively underground there was a crossing of three water-veins , -  and before of the real  “ VASAATHI-Transformation ” ,  these water-veins´ energy-quality was really not very nice


-        just not to say ( - like nowadays quite normal - because they are taking the bad quality of human thoughts

             and emotions as well as the energetic trash of mobile-phone transmitters and so on and so on ...  )  quite

         contra-productive - or bad .   

So when we started the inauguration-prayers, the oldest horse was coming with his buddy and was such pleased about our work, that it was helping us by freeing his throat plus coughing.  

After our "Transformation" -  the water-veins had changed towards full healing-powers -  and just from the same evening onwards ,

-  all Horses plus the single He-Goat
-  this special point and paddock-area was before always strictly avoided from all of them  ... )
were sleeping just upon and around this very Point now always !


At the same farm there were living two dogs , -  one the daughter of the other one . 

The elderly lady-dog was at the time of  MATATEC - VASAATHI  just very tired and frail and was nearly not able anymore to jump onto the sofa -

what was her favourite seat and laying-place

inside the big combined kitchen-  and dining room .

One year later visiting the farm again, we were also talking about the benefits of  VASAATHI-Transformations where a friend of the owner of the farm mentioned –  while just turning with her eyes

towards the nearby just a few meters away sitting dogs :

" Please look to these two Girls ...

     they are just happy and full of Vigour !!! "
And yes - they were really looking nicely and very lovely to us with bright shining eyes ...
and also the now just very old lady-dog was jumping now always from alone onto “Her” sofa !

This Lady then thought ,

"  That this was certainly due exclusively

to Your VASAATHI-work ,
-  otherwise such a most astonishing beautiful strong change would definitely not be 
explained !


It´s now many years back and the dogs included the lady-dog are just happily alive and  ( -  ok now an additional youngster dog had come and joined with them , what´s always a cause to stay alive and young -  to teach and to nurtures him … )  fit !






Here another Horse experience from Thüringen / Germany

At another occasion a friend was asking for help

for her very traumatically reacting horse.

She had taken this horse who was growing up under not so nice circumstances …  but nevertheless she had known about , she had taken this horse into her loving care.

But the horse`s reactions also against the other horses at the paddock were not very nice and far away from peace or relaxation.

Additionally some weeks back the horse had an accident where the vet was always thinking of -  is it a slight femoral fracture ?  (
-  For me with the  MATATEC “AUM” Energy-Feeling  method as an additional diagnosis testing procedure , - now over tenth of years no single case where it was a fault …  it was an ok -  always very painful -  muscle-strain only ) .

Ok I gave my  MATATEC  DEVATMA Plate  to her, -  that she could use it for her horse also.

So after some days she phoned back and told me , -   that I wouldn´t believe what happened :

                   She had taken  ` the Plate´  into her back-bag while going to and inside

                  the paddock ,

                  -     when all the horses at once turned their heads from far away and were

                         altogether coming to her by stretching their necks towards her back-

                         bag !

And also her dear horse -  as all the horses of a bigger herd, -  were just standing at once fully silent and relaxed stan-ding  (
-  like in meditation )  side by side -  for about 20 till 25 minutes  , - some were starting to graze again -  but no single horse was jumping or running around anymore,

Then she was taking and laying the “Plate” from above upon her horse´s hip –  and also here  ...
Normally he started to jump like crazy –  but now nothing ...  ;

–  just standing fully calm and fully happy and relaxed …

Then she had taken “the Plate” in her hands again

that the horses could see what it is !
Then her horse was buzzing off -  and everything was fine !








Here ` Achat ´  ( -  in English like the “Agate”- gemstone )
standing for 20-25 minutes fully silent for a healing-treatment with  “ the Plate ” ,
then blowing off and everything is nice and beautiful  !

When horses are very relaxed, they let their lower lip hang.





Also Achat´s  "Mom"  just told me , -  that a short while ago

she was joining a medical treatment where the therapist was looking also

about her energy–field and energetic strength.

Her therapist was highly astonished and amazed  -
how anything like this in nowadays times
-  with a such nice energetic strength and power -  could be ?

My friend replied that she knows exactly why … !
–   Just till today -  she is always sleeping upon  “the Plate” ! 







Here in and from the RAMANA-MAHARSHI Ashram / Bharata - India

Once visiting  His Holiness SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI  respectively his  MAHASAMAD-HI  inside of his Ashrama in Thiruvannamalai -  just at the feet of the holy mountain  ARUNACHALA  , -  and sitting more in the men´s side back of this bigger hall  ( -  where the people and devotees could round the central place in the front and sit for meditation ) , -   after some time inside myself -  I had opened my eyes and saw that in front  - from the right side and north side door -  an Ashram-dog was walking very mindfully and silently inside.

       -         Here we have to know that dogs from the street are mostly not welcome

                 inside of the Ashrams , -  so this dog had a broad light blue dog-collar that

                 everyone knows -  He´s an Ashramite !

Ok after recognizing that this dog was entering the hall , I closed my eyes again for going inside again. After some time there was arising the thought that I would like to see for this dog and what he may do ?


Therefore I opened my eyes again and was looking into the hall ... 

but the dog seems to be disappeared fully -  he was nowhere to find anymore !


     Then - because I had my bag on my own backside, - 

having exceptionally my for me most valuable MATATEC  DEVATMA  Plate with me inside of it ,

I´d turned my sight to see that everything is ok and all wright with it – and - 


What´s here ???

This very lovely dear dog was laying most silently just behind me -
and pressing his back and spine into my bag

-   respectively into the 
“ DEVATMA "  Plate  !




   Additional   Projects    

Additional  M A T A T E C  Agricultural Projects :

        ●          VASAATHI - Transformation of an organic grown Apple Farm at the most
               famous `Bodensee´ -  or Lake Constance ... / Southern Germany

       ●          Transformation of organic grown Viticultural Fields at the on the northern
                highly fertile slopes of Lake Léman / Switzerland

       ●          Energetic transformation as part of a university scientific study to investi-
               gate the possible energetic possibilities for overcoming the at these times
               feared complete dying off of the tidal flats on the North Sea ocean coast -

               -     here using the example of the tidal flats in the harbor area of the 
                      island of Norderney / Germany.

               The other invited companies just sprayed theit different fluids onto the
               mud - which would be defenitely just washed away by the next -  max. in
               less than 6 hiours -   coming again flood or high tide ; so how to investi-
               gate any reliable results with long-term exposures ? 

               Mr. F. Meyer was the only one who was digging small glass bottles with
               specially prepared content - additionally at energetically very specific
               energy points - deep into the mudflat soil in addition to special points also
               on the adjacent beach area, which alone ensured that the areas to be
               treated were exposed to this subtle energetic help for months, years and
               decades or even longer. ...

               Since there was a contract to be signed, which  (
beside of working together with
                     the other people and companies cooperatively in peace and harmony .... 
)  did not include
               telling anyone or the public about the investigations carried out here,

               -      after relatively quick and positive research and investigation results
                       for the ecological recovery of the entire area -

               a very special company did not keep to the official agreement  (
-  okay - with
                     some companies it seems to be  really only about money ... or a lot of money ...
) .  and completely
               attributed the emerging overall success to itself and its sprayed prepara-
               tions with a correspondingly well-presented position statement 

                       Not and never constant war-mongering, hidden aggression
                                                       and endless conflicts
                                                  are what we need and want ...

                                       how is this supposed to change anything
                          - even in the nature that also mirrors us on some levels ?

          The earth and nature and we the human beings ourselves - here also to stay
              and to survive as human beings here also to safe our humaneness  -  

        are in highest need of  a real on the 5 human values and real scientific (
and not
           according to large-scale industrial - so far actually always highly counterproductive to devastatingly harmful -
            guidelines and instructions based 
)  knowledge,understanding and experience based
                         friends-alike cooperation affection compassion and Love ...


         ●         Transformation of a flower field area in the backside of the also most 
               fertile East Godhavari District area of  Rajahmundry / Andhra Pradesh /

       ●          Transformation of a very difficult for them  ( -  respectively the plantar growth most
                      badly impacting
)  Mobilephone-Transmitter at an organic Demeter Farm for
               Speciality Vegetables , Horticulture and Medical Plants / Germany


       ●          MATATEC - Transformation  of an energetically very difficult or challenging
                before organic Olive Farm in Andalusia / Spain ....


Nevertheless MATATEC is not wondering anymore about such beautiful results -

This farmer was highly surprised
              about the for him completely unexpected -  
                but now extraordinary highest Quality and Quantity ever
      harvest and yield - 

  -   like never ever before ! 




What Benefits could Agriculture and Nature have with MATATEC  ?

Over the years, my research in this area has also revealed some very interesting and highly pleasing successes, always with a strong vitalising effect on plant growth and plant health.      


      ●         whereby long-standing fungal infestation of asparagus plants in notoriously over-moist f

                  former bog soil was  stopped almost immediately with a simultaneous strong increase in

                  growth !


      ●         Potato beetle pest infestations  ( -  over several years in different fields - )  have often been carried

                 by the plants without crop loss and with such largely increased immune resistance !!! ,       


      ●         ( - Weeds - or better - )   the supporting concominant herbs -  were clearly reduced  ( - despite

                     insufficient field preparation of maize -  and potato fields ) -  ; -  the damage caused by crows  ( - on

                     the maize fields, see above - )  against zero loss or by means of an additional growth spurt, - af-

                  ter !  ,.      


      ●          whereby both the harvest quantity and the  ( - also energetic )  harvest quality  ( - here also

                      with fruit trees increased !!! 

      ●          Because we know from  MATATEC - VASAATHI  transformed buildings plots and areas, that

                  the brain hemispheres of human beings are always and then forever working together in

                  fullest harmony,


               -      we could  emagine that the same is potentially-possibly function also with animals and

                          plants ...     

      ●          In addition, with the help of a specialised medical pulse diagnosis, it was determined that

                   the MATATEC DEVATMA Plates  ( -  which is also our main tool for MATATEC VASAATHI Transforma-

                      tions  ;  -   as constantly observed and  precisely described by Mr. Florian Meyer  )   are initiating and

                   continueing with highest consciousness exactly and  precise those Healing - Revitaliza-

                   tion - and Transformation steps which are both individually and collectively optimally suc-

                   cessful, lovingly and gentle .   


Are we additional interating all the always most delighting experiences seen and described

under the webpage -

` Solutions ´


-   All this is altogether opening up a wide range of possibilities -

        plus opportunities  and applications :       


                    A )         To promote the agricultural cultivation areas  ( - even without actually having to throw out

                                       or distribute individual agricultural auxiliary materials everywhere every year etc. )  energetically

                                via central energy points in the future.or the same methodology on a larger scale ...


                     B )         Forestry     


                     C )         For the Marine Biology and all Natural also Maritime Reserves  ,      


                     D )         Or  ( -  then at best also including an ‘ AUM ’- vortex supporting river engineering , )   also for the

                                  renaturalisation of lakes and river landscapes.      


                     E )         As well as for the renaturation of former  ( -  on the finest energetic levels, - often highly

                                        wounded )   extraction, quarry and mine areas, - which will then also apply to a

                                 greater extent to all tar-sand and FRACKING areas -   or areas contaminated by

                                 genetic engineering and too much of former pesticides;   


                     F )         as well as for the worldwide total energy increase corresponding to geomancy

                                 ( -  here also for increased growth -  as well as toxin degradation - and microbial stimulation ) ,       


  -  to use and apply sensibly !

MATATEC - Revitalizations  and  - Transformations

for Landscapes, Forests, Lakes, Rivers and Ocean-Biospheres and Habitats ;

-  as well as for Phyto-Therapeutica  - 

and anything -  as everyone else  -  also   



By the Researcher

Inventor and

Vasaathi Expert 

B.  Florian Meyer


Energy Purification

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Greenland Ashram Sathya Sai Nagar

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606704 Tiruvannamalai 


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