Energetic Purification Harmonization and full power Re-Vitalization
With the use of the now fully new Divine Power-abilities of the highest sophisticated MATATEC Transformative Technologies - now especially specialized in the ener-getic optimization of even highest multi-complex large-scale projects as a whole with all the trimmings as well as in all their connected individual aspects - worldwide also at a distance ...
Of multicomplex Huge Buildings like full Sky-Scrapers - or a full Urban Neighbourhoud
Of full Industrial Plants and Corporation Groups;
Of whole Farmes, Stadiums, Campuses, Hospitals and Holiday Resorts ...
Of Temples Churches and Ashrams , til ancient cultural sites;
Of most important single industrial Technologies, of highest valuable old classical Music Instru-ments; Church Organs , highly valuable private Jewellery and Jewels plus works of Artpainting and Sculpture ; - plus private Yachts , Merchant Freighters and whole Aircraft Fleets ....
Of whole Cities , Districts, Natural Reserves and Landscapes
Florian Meyer
Matatec founder
Simply explained as simply spoken
M A T A T E C is purifying, re-vitalizing and calming Your entire environment
with the help of the Divine and pure VEDANTA Energy
( - which has for this special usage come to light again
through decades of research, of practice and experience by Mr. Botida F. Meyer ... )
- as with ATMAVIDYA and methods of ancient Vedic Temple Construction.
Thereby we take attention and care that all aspects of Divine Consciousness involved and to be considered in this process
( - like all consciousness-defined individual forms ; - like humans, animals and plants, minerals and all
matter itself ; - like houses, gardens, villages, cities, countries and nations ; - like springs, streams,
rivers, lakes, plus the full surrounded nature as a whole etc. etc. )
- so in the overcoming and ( in inner spiritual cooperation at soul level with all our clients ) at best
complete dissolution of all previously life-blocking subtle-energetic obstacles,
thus also for You and Your immediate and extended - till entire family, relatives and
friends, ( - as well as all other living beings dear to You such as your pets or whatever and whoever ... )
are all brought back - or better - are relighted back - at the soul's own discretion, like self-decision
- to their own - or to our All respective full positive life-potential - like being-potential -
to their inner divine power and to their innermost divine core of life -
as the actual origin, mission and fulfillment of every life -
here on earth - or wherever in the entire universe ...
thus re-membering back - thus finding back to oneself - and to Your SELF !
Case Studies
The results of energy field transformation
Just everything is going with inherent consciousness and the according Healing Powers for Everyone and All towards the Divine SUPREME !